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Watch Mads Mikkelsen explode heads in the trailer for Netflix's POLAR

It's a great time for fans of action cinema. The last decade alone has seen the release of modern classics like The Raid, Dredd, The Night Comes For Us and John Wick. The popularity of these films and the calibre of talent behind them have caused more studios to mine their creative collection and launch their own hopeful franchises. The latest attempt at a stoic hitman-led franchise? Netflix's Polar.

Based on the graphic novel by Victor Santos and starring the ridiculously cool Mads Mikkelsen, Polar tells the story of the legendary killer, Duncan Visla a.k.a The Black Kaiser. Upon retirement, the former assassin finds himself a target for the very firm he used to represent, leading fellow assassins to seek him out and collect the $8 million bounty on his head.

Check out the trailer below and see what you guys think.

Hopeful, but jaded. Like a grizzled hitman?

Polar hits Netflix worldwide January 25th.

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