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Duncan Jones & Netflix latest, Mute, gets an awe-inspiring first trailer

I'm a big fan of Duncan Jones. His three films thus far, Moon, Source Code and Warcraft are all films I love and defend for a myriad of reasons. Sure, Warcraft wasn't everyone's cup of tea, but Jones created a beautifully realized, highly stylized fantasy the likes of which I haven't seen since the 80s. And so this first look at Jones' next film has me fist-pumping with excitement. Check out the trailer and poster below.

Gathering from the info we're given in the trailer, Alexander Skarsgard's mysterious mute bartender faces off against gangsters in a seedy, Blade Runner-esque tech noir landscape. Holy shit. Skarsgard has been choosing really interesting projects recently and while they don't always pan out (War On Everyone, anyone?), he's a solid performer always worth checking out. And the inclusion of Justin Theroux and Paul Rudd in any film is a big bonus. What say you, rebels? Excited for Netflix's latest Original epic?

Mute hits Netflix worldwide February 23rd.

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