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Sundance Favourite, Hereditary, gets it's first trailer...And it's terrifying

Another year, another missed Sundance. While film fans from all over the world celebrate cinema for the week in Park City, some of us are left behind eagerly anticipating footage, news, ANYTHING about the fest and the films screened there.

And so the buzz from the fest around Ari Aster's debut feature has me really excited. Not only are people calling this the most frightening film since Friedkin's The Exorcist (hyperbole sure, but still...) but word from Sundance is that this might be one of the best horror movies, period. I'm skeptical, obviously, but damn if this trailer didn't freak me out. Check it out below.

A lot of imagery to unpack here. Toni Collette (the Sixth Sense) looking perpetually terrified, possessions, evil kids, burning spectres...all the good stuff seems present! So what say you, gang? Are we looking at the next horror classic? Or is this another case of The Babadook over hype?

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